Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
AMAR adalah seorang artis yang agak pendiam, tetapi ramah apabila didekati. Beliau amat meminati bidang seni sejak kecil lagi dan dipengaruhi oleh suasana keluarga seni, justeru, banyak menimba ilmu dan pengalaman berkaitan seni muzik, seni suara, lukisan dan sebagainya daripada keluarganya sendiri. Berasal daripada keluarga yang amat sederhana yang menjadikan AMAR juga sebagai seorang yang sederhana dari pelbagai aspek kehidupan. Sifat semula jadinya yang suka menghiburkan khalayak telah merealisasikan impian beliau untuk bergelar artis solo nasyid setelah dilamar oleh syarikat rakaman Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd. untuk menghasilkan albumnya. AMAR juga menampilkan kebolehannya dalam seni silap mata ketika di pentas kerana menurutnya, silap mata adalah seni yang paling halus dan dapat menghiburkan sesiapa sahaja tanpa mengira pangkat, darjat dan usia. AMAR akan terus menghasilkan hasil karya seninya selagi mendapat sokongan yang padu daripada semua dan semoga dengan kehadirannya, akan mencetuskan ‘Paradigma Seni Terkini’.
AMAR selaku penerbit albumnya sendiri mengetengahkan konsep muzik dan lagu yang sederhana dan dapat mendamaikan jiwa agar dapat diterima ramai khususnya untuk seisi keluarga. Lagu-lagu yang terkandung di dalam album beliau kebanyakannya bertemakan kasih-sayang sama ada kasih sayang di antara makhluk dan Pencipta atau kasih sayang sesama manusia.
Dari segi penampilan dan persembahan pula, AMAR membawa suatu kelainan dari segi penggunaan secara optimum bakat-bakat yang beliau miliki dengan melakukan sedikit gimik ‘magic show’, persembahan ‘live instrument’ dan memberi input ilmiah kepada penonton selain persembahan nyanyian.
Kesederhanaan menjadi tema penampilan beliau sebagai seorang artis solo nasyid yang membawakan lagu-lagu yang berbentuk dakwah dan bermesej. Kelainan lenggok suara beliau menambahkan lagi keserasian konsep lagu dan muzik yang diketengahkan.

Dengan ini, sesuailah untuk kita namakan konsep yang dibawakan oleh AMAR sebagai ‘Song of Nature’ yang melambangkan kesederhanaan, kedamaiaan dan semulajadi.
Nama Penuh : Arif Muazzim Abdul Rahman
Nama Samaran : AMAR
Tarikh Lahir : 25.10.1981
Tempat Lahir : Pulau Pinang
Umur : 25 Tahun
Status : Bujang
Asal : Kedah
Alamat Rumah : 31, Taman Permai, 09300 Kuala Ketil, Kedah
Alamat Syarikat : R4-4-402, Pangsapuri Sri Meranti, Bandar Sri Damansara
52200 Kuala Lumpur
Syarikat Rakaman : Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd, Hijjaz Records Sdn Bhd
Alamat Sykt. Rakaman: Telaga Biru Sdn Bhd, 79-1B, Jalan Raja Abdullah,
Kg. Baru, 50300 K.Lumpur
Hijjaz Records Sdn Bhd, 42A, Jalan PJU 5/9,
Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
E-Mail : /
Profesion : Pemegang Ijazah Undang-undang UIAM, Penerbit,
Penyanyi, Ahli Silap Mata, Penyusun Muzik, Komposer
Lirik dan Lagu dan Kartunis Sambilan.
Pendidikan : Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Ketil, Kedah
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Kedah
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (Ijazah Sarjana Muda
Nama Ibu & Kerjaya : Siti Aishah Abdullah (Pesara Guru)
Nama Bapa & Kerjaya: Abdul Rahman Saad (Pesara Guru & Pekebun)
Bil. Adik Beradik : Anak ke 4 dari 5 orang adik beradik (pada asalnya 6 orang
tetapi abang yang sulung telah meninggal dunia)
Hobi : Mencipta lagu, Bermain Muzik, Melukis, Membaca,
Menonton DVD
Makanan Kegemaran : Ketam Goreng, Cendawan Goreng, Terubuk Goreng
Minuman Kegemaran : Teh Tarik, Air Kelapa, Air Suam
Idola Hidup : Rasulullah S.A.W
Motto Hidup : "Berhikmah Dalam Apa Jua Perkara"
Slogan : "Rasulullah Ikutan Terbaik"
Juara Pertandingan Akhir Nasyid Minggu Ini 2004 Anjuran JAKIM Dan RTM
Finalis Anugerah Industri Muzik 2004, Anugerah Carta Nasyid IKIM 2004, Anugerah Belia Remaja - Ikon Berita Harian, Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2003.
Anugerah Pelajar Paling Aktif Sek. Men. Keb. Agama Kedah 1998.
Album-album Terbitan AMAR - Kiasan Naluri (2003), Diari Rindu (2005), Diriku (2007).
MTV Karaoke (2004), 3D AMAR (2007)
VCD IPT Magic (2005).
Buku Silap Mata (2006)
Buku Motivasi (2006)
Buku Kartun Solo (2006)
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-undang UIAM.
Pengarah Urusan Impian Production.
Penulis Buku
Penceramah Motivasi
Jurutera bunyi dan studio.
Pengacara Rancangan TV (Bila Takbir Bergema - RTM1 2005)
Hakim pertandingan nasyid dan nyanyian
Mengadakan Program Motivasi, kem dan bengkel.
Mencipta lagu dan lirik Cinta Pertama nyanyian kumpulan Far East (2005)
Menghasilkan Muzik Latar, Muzik Tema dan Muzik Montaj untuk TV, Radio dan Jabatan Kerajaan dan Korporat. Antaranya untuk rancangan Salam Nusantara Musim 1,2,3,4(RTM1), Salam Timur Tengah (RTM2), Salam OIC (ASTRO), Kembara Vietnam (RTM), Syahadah (RTM) Rancangan TV Pendidikan, Kolej Tun Sri Lanang (RTM1), lagu tema Lembaga Akreditasi Negara, lagu tema sekolah seperti Sek.Men.Keb Agama Kedah, Sek.Men. Keb. Agama Baling, Sek. Keb. Merbau Pulas dan lain-lain
Kartunis Sambilan Majalah berunsur Islam dan Dakwah
Mengadakan Persembahan Nyanyian termasuk Silap Mata di seluruh negara termasuk di negara-negara jiran seperti Indonesia
Menghiburkan anak-anak yatim
Menerbitkan album 'underground' seperti album untuk kumpulan Sabda; 'Perhitungan'(1999), 'Saya Cinta Islam'(2000), 'Impian'(2001); Al-Amin 2001 (Kumpulan Nasyid Kanak-kanak); Al-Faradis (2001)
Menerbitkan Album Lyn; 'Mencari Ketenangan'(2007)
Penglibatan Peringkat Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Kedah (1994-1998)
Johan Pidato Piala Di Raja
Johan Syarahan Agama terbuka anjuran Pemuda PAS Kedah
Naib Johan Pidato Piala Kementerian
Pengerusi Kelab Nasyid
Pengerusi Kelas Kemahiran Al-Quran
Pengerusi Kelab Seni Kreatif
Johan pertandingan lukisan kartun
Johan pertandingan lukisan bebas
Johan pertandingan marhaban
Mewakili Kedah pertandingan nasyid zon utara
Fasilitator program, kem dan bengkel motivasi dan pengawas.
Dan lain-lain.
Watikah AMAR
"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. selawat dan salam ke atas Rasul Junjungan Muhammad s.a.w. yang bakal memberi syafaat kepada insan beriman di akhirat kelak. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua yang menyokong penglibatan saya dalam bidang seni secara langsung atau tidak langsung.
Sahabat-sahabat yang dirahmati Allah sekalian, penglibatan saya dalam bidang seni sama ada seni suara, muzik, lukisan, silap mata dan sebagainya adalah untuk berkongsi hasil karya saya dengan anda semua serta untuk kepuasan diri saya sendiri. Saya tidaklah berniat untuk menjadi idola ataupun ikon yang boleh dicontohi dan diikuti ramai kerana sebaik-baik contoh dan ikutan ialah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Janganlah kita keliru tentang perkara asas ini kerana kita semua akan dipersoalkan oleh Allah s.w.t. tentang amalan dan ikutan kita di akhirat kelak. Oleh itu saya menyeru kepada sahabat-sahabat semua supaya tidak memuja-muja, ‘extreme’ ataupun fanatik kepada mana-mana individu yang kita minati. Tidak salah untuk sekadar mengagumi mana-mana individu, tetapi mestilah ada hadnya dan janganlah sampai kita melupakan ikrar utama kita kepada Allah s.w.t iaitu,‘ Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah s.w.t.
Akhir kata, terimalah kehadiran saya dalam bidang seni ini seadanya dan saya berharap hasil karya saya akan terus diminati oleh anda semua. Sekian, terima kasih."
AMAR selaku penerbit albumnya sendiri mengetengahkan konsep muzik dan lagu yang sederhana dan dapat mendamaikan jiwa agar dapat diterima ramai khususnya untuk seisi keluarga. Lagu-lagu yang terkandung di dalam album beliau kebanyakannya bertemakan kasih-sayang sama ada kasih sayang di antara makhluk dan Pencipta atau kasih sayang sesama manusia.
Dari segi penampilan dan persembahan pula, AMAR membawa suatu kelainan dari segi penggunaan secara optimum bakat-bakat yang beliau miliki dengan melakukan sedikit gimik ‘magic show’, persembahan ‘live instrument’ dan memberi input ilmiah kepada penonton selain persembahan nyanyian.
Kesederhanaan menjadi tema penampilan beliau sebagai seorang artis solo nasyid yang membawakan lagu-lagu yang berbentuk dakwah dan bermesej. Kelainan lenggok suara beliau menambahkan lagi keserasian konsep lagu dan muzik yang diketengahkan.
Dengan ini, sesuailah untuk kita namakan konsep yang dibawakan oleh AMAR sebagai ‘Song of Nature’ yang melambangkan kesederhanaan, kedamaiaan dan semulajadi.
Nama Penuh : Arif Muazzim Abdul Rahman
Nama Samaran : AMAR
Tarikh Lahir : 25.10.1981
Tempat Lahir : Pulau Pinang
Umur : 25 Tahun
Status : Bujang
Asal : Kedah
Alamat Rumah : 31, Taman Permai, 09300 Kuala Ketil, Kedah
Alamat Syarikat : R4-4-402, Pangsapuri Sri Meranti, Bandar Sri Damansara
52200 Kuala Lumpur
Syarikat Rakaman : Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd, Hijjaz Records Sdn Bhd
Alamat Sykt. Rakaman: Telaga Biru Sdn Bhd, 79-1B, Jalan Raja Abdullah,
Kg. Baru, 50300 K.Lumpur
Hijjaz Records Sdn Bhd, 42A, Jalan PJU 5/9,
Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
E-Mail : /
Profesion : Pemegang Ijazah Undang-undang UIAM, Penerbit,
Penyanyi, Ahli Silap Mata, Penyusun Muzik, Komposer
Lirik dan Lagu dan Kartunis Sambilan.
Pendidikan : Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Ketil, Kedah
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Kedah
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (Ijazah Sarjana Muda
Nama Ibu & Kerjaya : Siti Aishah Abdullah (Pesara Guru)
Nama Bapa & Kerjaya: Abdul Rahman Saad (Pesara Guru & Pekebun)
Bil. Adik Beradik : Anak ke 4 dari 5 orang adik beradik (pada asalnya 6 orang
tetapi abang yang sulung telah meninggal dunia)
Hobi : Mencipta lagu, Bermain Muzik, Melukis, Membaca,
Menonton DVD
Makanan Kegemaran : Ketam Goreng, Cendawan Goreng, Terubuk Goreng
Minuman Kegemaran : Teh Tarik, Air Kelapa, Air Suam
Idola Hidup : Rasulullah S.A.W
Motto Hidup : "Berhikmah Dalam Apa Jua Perkara"
Slogan : "Rasulullah Ikutan Terbaik"
Juara Pertandingan Akhir Nasyid Minggu Ini 2004 Anjuran JAKIM Dan RTM
Finalis Anugerah Industri Muzik 2004, Anugerah Carta Nasyid IKIM 2004, Anugerah Belia Remaja - Ikon Berita Harian, Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2003.
Anugerah Pelajar Paling Aktif Sek. Men. Keb. Agama Kedah 1998.
Album-album Terbitan AMAR - Kiasan Naluri (2003), Diari Rindu (2005), Diriku (2007).
MTV Karaoke (2004), 3D AMAR (2007)
VCD IPT Magic (2005).
Buku Silap Mata (2006)
Buku Motivasi (2006)
Buku Kartun Solo (2006)
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-undang UIAM.
Pengarah Urusan Impian Production.
Penulis Buku
Penceramah Motivasi
Jurutera bunyi dan studio.
Pengacara Rancangan TV (Bila Takbir Bergema - RTM1 2005)
Hakim pertandingan nasyid dan nyanyian
Mengadakan Program Motivasi, kem dan bengkel.
Mencipta lagu dan lirik Cinta Pertama nyanyian kumpulan Far East (2005)
Menghasilkan Muzik Latar, Muzik Tema dan Muzik Montaj untuk TV, Radio dan Jabatan Kerajaan dan Korporat. Antaranya untuk rancangan Salam Nusantara Musim 1,2,3,4(RTM1), Salam Timur Tengah (RTM2), Salam OIC (ASTRO), Kembara Vietnam (RTM), Syahadah (RTM) Rancangan TV Pendidikan, Kolej Tun Sri Lanang (RTM1), lagu tema Lembaga Akreditasi Negara, lagu tema sekolah seperti Sek.Men.Keb Agama Kedah, Sek.Men. Keb. Agama Baling, Sek. Keb. Merbau Pulas dan lain-lain
Kartunis Sambilan Majalah berunsur Islam dan Dakwah
Mengadakan Persembahan Nyanyian termasuk Silap Mata di seluruh negara termasuk di negara-negara jiran seperti Indonesia
Menghiburkan anak-anak yatim
Menerbitkan album 'underground' seperti album untuk kumpulan Sabda; 'Perhitungan'(1999), 'Saya Cinta Islam'(2000), 'Impian'(2001); Al-Amin 2001 (Kumpulan Nasyid Kanak-kanak); Al-Faradis (2001)
Menerbitkan Album Lyn; 'Mencari Ketenangan'(2007)
Penglibatan Peringkat Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Kedah (1994-1998)
Johan Pidato Piala Di Raja
Johan Syarahan Agama terbuka anjuran Pemuda PAS Kedah
Naib Johan Pidato Piala Kementerian
Pengerusi Kelab Nasyid
Pengerusi Kelas Kemahiran Al-Quran
Pengerusi Kelab Seni Kreatif
Johan pertandingan lukisan kartun
Johan pertandingan lukisan bebas
Johan pertandingan marhaban
Mewakili Kedah pertandingan nasyid zon utara
Fasilitator program, kem dan bengkel motivasi dan pengawas.
Dan lain-lain.
Watikah AMAR
"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. selawat dan salam ke atas Rasul Junjungan Muhammad s.a.w. yang bakal memberi syafaat kepada insan beriman di akhirat kelak. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua yang menyokong penglibatan saya dalam bidang seni secara langsung atau tidak langsung.
Sahabat-sahabat yang dirahmati Allah sekalian, penglibatan saya dalam bidang seni sama ada seni suara, muzik, lukisan, silap mata dan sebagainya adalah untuk berkongsi hasil karya saya dengan anda semua serta untuk kepuasan diri saya sendiri. Saya tidaklah berniat untuk menjadi idola ataupun ikon yang boleh dicontohi dan diikuti ramai kerana sebaik-baik contoh dan ikutan ialah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Janganlah kita keliru tentang perkara asas ini kerana kita semua akan dipersoalkan oleh Allah s.w.t. tentang amalan dan ikutan kita di akhirat kelak. Oleh itu saya menyeru kepada sahabat-sahabat semua supaya tidak memuja-muja, ‘extreme’ ataupun fanatik kepada mana-mana individu yang kita minati. Tidak salah untuk sekadar mengagumi mana-mana individu, tetapi mestilah ada hadnya dan janganlah sampai kita melupakan ikrar utama kita kepada Allah s.w.t iaitu,‘ Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah s.w.t.
Akhir kata, terimalah kehadiran saya dalam bidang seni ini seadanya dan saya berharap hasil karya saya akan terus diminati oleh anda semua. Sekian, terima kasih."
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Max Maven
While his public persona and performances fall squarely within the genre of mentalism, Maven's contributions to the magic community span far wider. He is respected within the industry for being a prolific author, and innovating many of the magical and mentalist effects that are used by other magicians. He has been a magic consultant for such performers as David Copperfield, Penn & Teller, Siegfried & Roy, and Doug Henning, and is a frequent contributor to industry journals such as Genii, The Linking Ring, and MUM. He has also been the featured magician at the annual conventions of both the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
Maven occasionally plays a magician character (often as himself) on various television series, such as, "Magic", "The Art of Magic", "Something Strange with Max Maven", "Fresh Prince of Bel Air", and "The MAXimum Dimension".
Having performed often in Japan, he is quite fluent in Japanese, although by his own admission his literacy in the language isn't as proficient [1].
His name has been legally changed to Max Maven, but he still uses "Phil Goldstein" as a pen name for technical writings.
In 2007 he won The Magic Woods Award for Best Teaching Video for his mentalism DVD 'Nothing'.
[edit] Selected works
Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling, 1992, Prentice Hall General. ISBN 0-13-564121-7
Max Maven's Mindgames (video)
The Art of Magic (book co-written with James Randi)
VideoMind - Phases 1-3: Mentalism (3 volume DVD)
[edit] External links
Official Max Maven site
Max Maven at the Internet Movie Database
Interview with Max Maven
This magic-related article is a stub. Please help Wikipedia by expanding it.
Mac King
Mac King is a comedy magician who has performed on television specials, often as a co-host. He has his own family-friendly show, "The Mac King Comedy Magic Show," at the Harrah's Las Vegas in the Clint Holmes Theater.
On the NBC The World's Greatest Magic specials, King taught the audience a minor effect before and after each commercial in segments referred to as the Mac King School of Magic. He is the only magician to be in all five of the network's specials.
In addition to the TV specials and Harrah's performances, King performs at more than 60 private corporate events each year. Some of his better-known effects involve goldfish, Fig Newtons, and a yellow raincoat he claims is a magic cloak of invisibility.
One of King's most memorable moments occurred while performing his cut-and-restored rope routine. King has said that one of his biggest pet peeves is that some magicians use dull scissors, and he makes it a point to keep his scissors razor sharp. While performing the routine, he accidentally severed the tip of his thumb. He quickly tried to stop the bleeding by wrapping his thumb in tape, but the injury was too severe. He asked the audience if there was a nurse present, and, luckily, a nurse did step forward. She managed to stop the bleeding. King continued with his show and finished his second show later that evening before going to the hospital to have his injury treated.
[edit] Personal life
King was born December 2, 1959 in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. He was a student at the J. Graham Brown School. He has a wife of over 20 years, Jennifer Sils,[citation needed] whom he met when she was an audience participant at one of his shows. In his younger years he performed with fellow Kentuckian Lance Burton over the summers they had off between college semesters. He is also friends with Penn & Teller.
[edit] TV Shows and Specials
An Evening at the Improv
Comic Strip Live
The World's Greatest Magic
The World's Greatest Magic II
The World's Greatest Magic III
The World's Greatest Magic IV
The World's Greatest Magic V
Houdini: Unlocking His Secrets
The World's Wildest Magic
Penn and Teller's Sin City Spectacular
Donny and Marie
The Other Half
King's home was also featured on HGTV.
[edit] External links
King's official Page
Las Vegas Online: Review of his show Eeview
Press Kit and Bio Information
On the NBC The World's Greatest Magic specials, King taught the audience a minor effect before and after each commercial in segments referred to as the Mac King School of Magic. He is the only magician to be in all five of the network's specials.
In addition to the TV specials and Harrah's performances, King performs at more than 60 private corporate events each year. Some of his better-known effects involve goldfish, Fig Newtons, and a yellow raincoat he claims is a magic cloak of invisibility.
One of King's most memorable moments occurred while performing his cut-and-restored rope routine. King has said that one of his biggest pet peeves is that some magicians use dull scissors, and he makes it a point to keep his scissors razor sharp. While performing the routine, he accidentally severed the tip of his thumb. He quickly tried to stop the bleeding by wrapping his thumb in tape, but the injury was too severe. He asked the audience if there was a nurse present, and, luckily, a nurse did step forward. She managed to stop the bleeding. King continued with his show and finished his second show later that evening before going to the hospital to have his injury treated.
[edit] Personal life
King was born December 2, 1959 in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. He was a student at the J. Graham Brown School. He has a wife of over 20 years, Jennifer Sils,[citation needed] whom he met when she was an audience participant at one of his shows. In his younger years he performed with fellow Kentuckian Lance Burton over the summers they had off between college semesters. He is also friends with Penn & Teller.
[edit] TV Shows and Specials
An Evening at the Improv
Comic Strip Live
The World's Greatest Magic
The World's Greatest Magic II
The World's Greatest Magic III
The World's Greatest Magic IV
The World's Greatest Magic V
Houdini: Unlocking His Secrets
The World's Wildest Magic
Penn and Teller's Sin City Spectacular
Donny and Marie
The Other Half
King's home was also featured on HGTV.
[edit] External links
King's official Page
Las Vegas Online: Review of his show Eeview
Press Kit and Bio Information
Cyril Takayama
Cyril Takayama (cousin of Liam Takayama) (born 1973) is an American illusionist, born and raised in Hollywood, California, USA. He is perhaps best known for his street magic performances in Japan. His father is of Okinawan descent, while his mother is Moroccan-French, both of whom were beauticians. He was a member of the short-lived television series T.H.E.M. In 2007 he won first place in The Magic Woods Awards, Best Magician Category.[1]
Cyril became interested in magic when he was 7 years old, when he went to a magic show in Las Vegas where he saw a guest magician levitate a woman and cut himself in half. The first time Cyril ever performed magic in front of people was during his school's talent show. At the age of 12, he entered the junior program at the Magic Castle in Hollywood.
Some of Cyril's signature tricks include the hamburger in the menu trick, having his head fall off his shoulders, and the card in the window trick. His most dramatic trick was above a Las Vegas hotel, where he bungee jumps into the hotel pool with a sword and spears the chosen card of his co host from a deck floating in the water.
Because of his large popularity in Japan, Cyril frequently goes out in a disguise, his most notable one being "Sero jisan" or Old Man Cyril.
[edit] Performances in Japan & Korea
Cyril has been very active in Japan. Since 2005, he appeared in
three "Super Street Magic Magazine" episodes (broadcast on TV Tokyo)
five "Magic Revolution" episodes (broadcast on FujiTV)
June 30, 2005
January 10, 2006
June 20, 2006
January 23, 2007
July 24, 2007
One 90 minute Korean magic special (October 2006, September 2007, February 2008)
Since 2005 Cyril has been steadily increasing in popularity in Japan as well as on the Internet, due to many of his magic shows being uploaded and viewed on the popular video-sharing site YouTube.
In his 2006 magic specials, Cyril visited Thailand to put on a show for orphans with HIV. He also did the same with orphans in Nepal.
Cyril appears on the new MTV series called Room 401 where magicians prank unsuspecting victims.
[edit] References
^ The Magic Woods. Retrieved on 2008-01-09.
[edit] External links
Official site
Cyril Takayama at MySpace
Magic X
Magic Revolution website
Metropolis Japan Interview
Cyril became interested in magic when he was 7 years old, when he went to a magic show in Las Vegas where he saw a guest magician levitate a woman and cut himself in half. The first time Cyril ever performed magic in front of people was during his school's talent show. At the age of 12, he entered the junior program at the Magic Castle in Hollywood.
Some of Cyril's signature tricks include the hamburger in the menu trick, having his head fall off his shoulders, and the card in the window trick. His most dramatic trick was above a Las Vegas hotel, where he bungee jumps into the hotel pool with a sword and spears the chosen card of his co host from a deck floating in the water.
Because of his large popularity in Japan, Cyril frequently goes out in a disguise, his most notable one being "Sero jisan" or Old Man Cyril.
[edit] Performances in Japan & Korea
Cyril has been very active in Japan. Since 2005, he appeared in
three "Super Street Magic Magazine" episodes (broadcast on TV Tokyo)
five "Magic Revolution" episodes (broadcast on FujiTV)
June 30, 2005
January 10, 2006
June 20, 2006
January 23, 2007
July 24, 2007
One 90 minute Korean magic special (October 2006, September 2007, February 2008)
Since 2005 Cyril has been steadily increasing in popularity in Japan as well as on the Internet, due to many of his magic shows being uploaded and viewed on the popular video-sharing site YouTube.
In his 2006 magic specials, Cyril visited Thailand to put on a show for orphans with HIV. He also did the same with orphans in Nepal.
Cyril appears on the new MTV series called Room 401 where magicians prank unsuspecting victims.
[edit] References
^ The Magic Woods. Retrieved on 2008-01-09.
[edit] External links
Official site
Cyril Takayama at MySpace
Magic X
Magic Revolution website
Metropolis Japan Interview
Monday, February 18, 2008
Ehud Segev
Ehud Segev (born 1979) is an Israeli performer. He recently was eliminated from NBC's reality competition, Phenomenon.
Ehud Segev
Born 1979
Safed, Israel
Residence New York, New York
Early life
Ehud Segev was born in 1979 in the Israeli city of Safed.
In the summer of 2004 Segev premiered his "Mentalizer Show" in Theatre Row at 42nd street. In January 2006, Segev had the debut of his play "ANOMAL", which tells Segev's life story.
On August 9th, 2006, while Ehud was performing his tour through Mexico, his only brother, Nimrod, was killed in combat in Lebanon. Ehud returned to Israel and soon established "Cafe Nimrod," a restaurant in the Tel Aviv Seaport, to commemorate his brother. At the same time he also founded Free Freedom, a movement that attempts to forge an anti-terrorist alliance consisting purely of civilians.
In December 2006, Ehud starred in the Israeli Reality TV series "Ha Yoresh". This series, which aired weekly on the Israeli network Keshet, was set to declare an official successor to Uri Geller.[citation needed]
Segev competed in NBC's primetime TV series "Phenomenon", which is based on his earlier Israeli TV show, "Ha Yoresh".
[edit] External links
Official website
Anomal - featuring Ehud Segev
Free Freedom
Ehud Segev Interview On Montell
NBC's Phenomenon
Ha Yoresh on
[edit] References
Ehud Segev: "The New Horatio Alger" in the Jewish Post
Live interview with Ehud Segev for Good News Broadcast
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Ehud Segev
Born 1979
Safed, Israel
Residence New York, New York
Early life
Ehud Segev was born in 1979 in the Israeli city of Safed.
In the summer of 2004 Segev premiered his "Mentalizer Show" in Theatre Row at 42nd street. In January 2006, Segev had the debut of his play "ANOMAL", which tells Segev's life story.
On August 9th, 2006, while Ehud was performing his tour through Mexico, his only brother, Nimrod, was killed in combat in Lebanon. Ehud returned to Israel and soon established "Cafe Nimrod," a restaurant in the Tel Aviv Seaport, to commemorate his brother. At the same time he also founded Free Freedom, a movement that attempts to forge an anti-terrorist alliance consisting purely of civilians.
In December 2006, Ehud starred in the Israeli Reality TV series "Ha Yoresh". This series, which aired weekly on the Israeli network Keshet, was set to declare an official successor to Uri Geller.[citation needed]
Segev competed in NBC's primetime TV series "Phenomenon", which is based on his earlier Israeli TV show, "Ha Yoresh".
[edit] External links
Official website
Anomal - featuring Ehud Segev
Free Freedom
Ehud Segev Interview On Montell
NBC's Phenomenon
Ha Yoresh on
[edit] References
Ehud Segev: "The New Horatio Alger" in the Jewish Post
Live interview with Ehud Segev for Good News Broadcast
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criss angel
Criss Angel
Criss Angel at the 2007 Scream Awards
Born Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos
December 19, 1967 (1967-12-19) (age 40)
East Meadow, New York, U.S.
Residence Paradise, Nevada (Luxor Hotel Presidential Suite), West Islip, New York
Occupation illusionist, musician, mentalist, hypnotist, stunt performer, actor
Spouse JoAnn Winkhart (married 2002, separated in 2006).
Contents [hide]
1 Early life
2 Magic career
3 Criss Angel Mindfreak
4 Other projects
5 Books and music
6 References
7 External links
[edit] Early life
Criss Angel was born on December 19, 1967, raised on East Meadow, Long Island, New York and is of Greek descent. Angel grew up loving music, had a love for playing drums, and has always had an interest in magic. His parents are John and Dimitra Sarantakos. His mother hails from Mystra, Greece. He has two brothers, Costa and JD, as well as two cats, Minx and Hammie (short for Hamlet). One of Criss's biggest influences has been his father, who died from carcinoma of the stomach.[1]
According to his interview with Larry King before Halloween in 2007 he was an altar boy in the Greek Orthodox Church as he was growing up.
Criss Angel first became interested in magic at the age of 6, when his Aunt Stella showed him a magic trick.[2] Two of his biggest magic influences are Harry Houdini and Aldo Richiardi.[2] As a teenager, Angel performed at birthday parties, at night clubs, at home to entertain his family, and at private events.[2] Early in his magic career, magician James Randi designed Angel's professional business card.[3] The first person who actually taught him the art of magic was Ian Wagner.
Angel played in an Industrial music band called AngelDust with friend Klayton Scott (Celldweller, Argyle Park) who produced, co-wrote, and helped arrange the music for his show, Mindfreak.
In 2002 he married JoAnn Winkhart. She filed for separation in 2006 and in 2007 she filed for divorce.[4]
[edit] Magic career
Angel performed World Of Illusion at Madison Square Garden in 1998. Criss then scored an off Broadway show titled "Criss Angel Mindfreak," which ran up until January 6, 2003 following a run of 600 performances at The World in The World Underground Theater in Times Square. He also starred in several television specials.
Criss Angel won the Academy of Magical Arts' Magician of the Year award in 2005[5] and the IMS Magician of the year in 2001 and 2004.[6]
He has even revealed the methods for many of his tricks to viewers at home on TV and in videos, although the effects revealed are usually very simple such as making a toothpick disappear, picking a pocket, or making a Styrofoam cup float. Angel discusses magic and his life in Mindfreak: Secret Revelations (published April 24, 2007), which became a Los Angeles Times best seller.
Angel is scheduled to appear in a new illusion-based Cirque du Soleil production at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, with an expected opening date in August 2008.[7] Although the countdown clock featured on Angel's official website continues to point to later and later dates. As of 1/8/07, the clock is counting down to September 30, 2008. Angel has recently stated that there are plans for this attraction to run for 10 years, including 4,600 shows with a possible 5 year renewal option of his contract.
In July 2007, NBC signed Angel and Uri Geller for Phenomenon, a show airing on October 24 that searches for the next great mentalist.[8] Angel does not believe Geller has any paranormal abilities.[9]
[edit] Criss Angel Mindfreak
Main article: Criss Angel Mindfreak
Criss Angel is the star and creator of the A&E Network show Criss Angel Mindfreak. Seasons 1 and 2 were filmed at the The Aladdin in Las Vegas, with Season 3 at the Luxor Hotel. Premiering on July 20, 2005, the illusions have included walking on water, levitating above the Luxor Hotel, floating between two buildings, causing a Lamborghini to disappear, surviving in an exploding C4 Crate, cutting himself in half in full view of an audience and getting run over by a steamroller while lying stomach down on a bed of glass.[10] Criss is scheduled to begin filming Season 4 of Mindfreak in October 2007, and the show is scheduled to run for two more seasons after that.
He attempted to jump out of a prisoner transport vehicle before it fell off a cliff in season 3. Criss made it but, as revealed at the end of the episode, injured his neck. Production was stopped for two weeks while he recovered; in the meantime, he has sworn never to attempt this stunt again.
[edit] Other projects
Angel was the featured guest star on CSI: NY on February 28, 2007 in an episode titled "Sleight Out of Hand" as the character of Luke Blade, a famous magician whose assistants die in unusual ways that are strangely related to the illusions he performs in the episode. [11] In the episode, he performed three illusions (being sawed in half, being set on fire, and a version of his "Submerged" illusion).
Angel's more notable television appearances include but are not limited to Las Vegas, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, as well as VH1's Rock Honors Awards performing and introducing legendary Honoree Ozzy Osbourne. In June 2007, Angel appeared on the cover of the DUB Magazine. He also appeared on CNN's Larry King Live on July 12, 2007 and October 30, 2007. On June 8, 2007, he stated on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson that Richiardi was one of his greatest influences.
Starting in October 2007 he appeared as a judge on "Phenomenon," and in a CNN interview about the show he told Larry King "no one has the ability, that I'm aware of, to do anything supernatural, psychic, talk to the dead. And that was what I said I was going to do with "Phenomenon." If somebody goes on that show and claims to have supernatural psychic ability, I'm going to bust them live and on television."[12]
Wikinews has related news:
Criss Angel challenges Uri Geller and Jim Callahan over paranormal claimsOn the October 31, 2007 episode of the reality show Phenomenon, Paranormalist Jim Callahan performed a summoning, purportedly of author Raymond Hill, to help discover the contents of a locked box.[13] Although fellow judge Uri Geller praised the performance, Angel called it "comical" and subsequently challenged both Callahan and Geller to guess the contents of two envelopes he pulled out of his pocket, offering a million dollars of his own money to whomever could do so. This led to an argument between Callahan and Angel, during which Callahan accused Angel of being an "ideological bigot", and after Angel rose from his chair and approached Callahan, the two were pulled apart as the show promptly went to a commercial break. Angel has since revealed the contents of one envelope and at the unveiling he challenged Geller one more time. Geller unsuccessful, and the envelope was revealed to contain an index card with the numbers "911" printed on it for September 11, 2001. Criss' explanation was this "if on 9-10 somebody could have predicted that 9-11 was going to happen, they could have saved millions of lives". The other envelope's contents will be revealed on the first episode of Season 4 of Criss Angel: Mindfreak.[1]
Criss has just signed for a film version of the depression-era comic strip Mandrake The Magician. Written by Lee Falk, the story centers on a magician with hypnotic powers and a penchant for fighting mad scientists and criminal king-pins. Criss' role is Mandrake's father. Mandrake will start shooting in March of this year.
[edit] Books and music
Mindfreak: Secret Revelations. HarperEntertainment (April 24, 2007) ISBN 0061137618 and ISBN 978-0061137617
Main article: Criss Angel discography
[edit] References
^ Criss Angel, Mindfreak: Secret Revelations. HarperEntertainment (April 24, 2007) ISBN 0061137618
^ a b c Karlin, Susan. "The Daredevil", Forbes, July 4, 2005. Retrieved on 2007-07-07.
^ Paul Harris's show on KMOX interview with James Randi, 26th July 2007
^ Ann Givens, "Criss Angel Taken to Nassau Divorce Court", Newsday, 29 June 2007
^ "Criss Angel Named 2005 Magician of the Year",, 2005. Retrieved on 2007-07-07.
^ "Where Criss Angel dares to tread", Newport Mercury, May 31, 2006. Retrieved on 2007-07-07.
^ "Magician Criss Angel in New Cirque Show",, August 3, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-07-07.
^ "NBC Offers Reality Show For Wanna-Be Mentalists With Uri Geller, Criss Angel", Tampa Tribune, July 17, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-08-07.
^ Paul Harris's show on KMOX interview with James Randi, 26 July 2007
^ "That Gaze! That Hair! Those Trippy Tricks!", New York Times, July 20, 2005. Retrieved on 2007-07-07.
^ "CSI: NY" Sleight Out of Hand (2007)
^ "Larry King Live: Mindfreak Criss Angel", CNN, October 30, 2007.
^ "Angel sparks altercation on ‘Phenomenon’", MSNBC, November 1, 2007.
[edit] External links
Find more about Criss Angel on Wikipedia's sister projects:
Dictionary definitions
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Official website
Criss Angel at the Internet Movie Database
Official Criss Angel Mindfreak website at A&E
Criss Angel at MySpace
Penn Jillette interviews Criss Angel on "The Penn Jillette Radio Show"
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